Rectangular Horn : waveguide source + quarter geometry

Rectangular Horn : waveguide source + quarter geometry

The geometry of the previous example has two symmetry planes. Because of the polarization of the source, on of the symmetry plane is an E symmetry and the other one is an H symmetry. This can be used to reduce the computation time.

To create the project, open the previous example and save it with another name. Once again, this will keep all the electromagnetic data. Now we have to divide the geometry to keep only 1 quarter.

To divide it :

First adjust the view in the XY plane:

Next choose to divide the nurbs surface :

Select the upper surface and chose 'V' and 2 divisions :

The result is :

Repeat this for the three other surfaces

Change the view and repeat the same technique

To get a quarter of the geometry, erase surfaces, lines and points as requested :

The Waveguide Source is inherited from the previous case : there is no need to redefine it.

Check its location with view source.

Define the E symmetry plane parallel with E_guide1 and the H symmetry plane parallel with H_guide1 with the particular plane window configuration :. More precisely, the E symmetry plane is OYZ and the H symmetry plane is OXZ.

Mesh, save and run.

A view of the electric near field in the aperture of the horn :

A view of the electric near field in the aperture of the horn :

Radiation patterns in the two main planes (phi=0° and phi=90°) :

The computation time is now much lower. This increase affects the matrix computation and factorization. The post-processing (far field and near field computation is not affected).

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